Who we are

Who are we and why do we exist?

Jessie and Andrew Dodson had a lot of ideas. Progressive, divisive, funny ideas that they wanted out in the world. Other publishers weren't giving them a chance, so they took a chance on themselves and soon enough, others. While there are other progressive companies and writers out there, they don't have Moxie Press's voice and vibe, nor do they have their ideas or vision. That's why Moxie Press exists.

What do we do?

In addition to the books we've published, we showcase indie authors with progressive voices in the Moxie Press Author Spotlight — a newsletter and podcast dedicated to independent, progressive writing from all backgrounds and genres. 

Are you an indie author with something progressive to say? Submit your work here!

What do we believe?

At Moxie Press, we...

Manifest change through knowledge. At Moxie Press, we will publish anything from pocket guides to detective novels as long as there is a progressive message at the core of it that aims to enrich its reader.

Amplify socialist, progressive, and secular lifestyles. We don't do billionaires, we love humans and humanity and basic human rights and body autonomy, and we don't do the whole God thing. Those are the kind of lifestyles we want to uphold in the world.

Commit to progressive action. Moxie Press gives a portion of our proceeds to causes we deeply care about, from the ACLU and Planned Parenthood to voter registration and climate change non-profits.

Who we're currently giving to:

Moxie Press is donating $1 of every purchase to ActBlue to help keep fascism out of our country (as best we can).